The Jewish Resource Center, Your Home Away From Home

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Upcoming Events

Shabbos meals

In person and delicious. Join us for Shabbat!

Click to see the start time & rsvp!


Poland Trip

The JRC Poland Trip – Dec. 18th-26th, 2024

“Never Again” has never been more relevant. It is our duty and our honor to make sure we never forget what happened in the Holocaust. This trip will take you to the main camps and historically important areas of Poland to see and hear what happened with your own eyes.

To find out what JRC Poland Trip is all about, and to apply, please click below

Learning and Engagement

Maimonides Leaders Fellowship

Get Paid to Learn!

Maimonides Leaders Fellowship is a ten-week Jewish leadership and learning program that brings Judaism alive in a way you have never experienced before. Together with a small, carefully selected group of your fellow Michigan students, you will spend the next ten weeks covering leadership topics, and gain a brief understanding of the Torah with its practical applications of leadership in society.

Fall 2024 registration is now open.


Take a deeper dive

Enjoyed Maimonides and want more? Join us once a week for an hour (dinner afterwards) as we dive into concepts that we didn’t touch in M1.

Sign up for Fall Semester 2024 is open.

Professional Clubs


JHealth is a campus community where you’ll connect with like-minded students, develop your leadership abilities and meet with mentors and stand-out personalities from the health field from across the country. This club is part of the JRC’s international partner OLAMI. To sign up and learn more, click below


JBiz is a campus career accelerator for Jewish students designed to bring collaboration, fun and purpose into your career path. You’ll also get the chance to meet leaders and mentors who value your ideas and share your values.  This club is part of the JRC’s international partner OLAMI. To sign up and learn more, click below


When is your Hebrew Birthday??

Everyone loves to celebrate a birthday, so why not celebrate twice?! Use this calculator to find out your Hebrew birthday and, if you leave us your email, we’ll tell you some cool mystical things about your birthday that you can share with your friends.


    The Jewish Resource Center’s mission is to build a community of students looking to stay involved or be more involved in Judaism.

    We provide a place for students to grow intellectually, morally, and spiritually through Shabbat meals, one-on-one learning with a Rabbi, trips to Israel and Poland, professional development, and leadership programs.

    One on one learning
    Shabbat meals served weekly
    Maimonides Students
    JRC overseas travelers

    JRC Staff

    Rabbi Fully Eisenberger
    Rabbi Fully EisenbergerDirector
    Rabbi Bausk
    Rabbi BauskSnr. Rabbi
    Rabbi Yitz Pierce
    Rabbi Yitz PierceProgramming Director
    Aviva Gelberman
    Aviva GelbermanWomen's Learning
    Rabbi Mendy Klahr
    Rabbi Mendy KlahrEngagement
    Adina Sebag LLMSW MSc psych
    Adina Sebag LLMSW MSc psychPsychotherapist / Snr. Educator

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